


This tricks should be among the first to learn.

I got these off of another guys site.

Ollie-First,you make sure that your index and middle fingers are in the right place: middle finger on the tail of the board and the index finger just behind the front bolts. Okay, now, you tap down on the tail so that the front is brought up in the air, now for the tricky part, you try and slide your index finger up towards the nose of the board and press down, this, if done correctly,should have lifted the entire board off the ground.

Kick Flip-First, To do the kickflip, set up your fingers the same way as you would when you ollie. The only difference is that you want to have your index finger off towards the edge of the board. From there, press down hard on tail, and flip your index finger off to the side to make the board flip. While the board is flipping, keep your fingers above the fingerboard. When it flips once let your fingers come down and land on the fingherboard.

Pop-Shove It-To do a Pop-Shove It, you have to put your fingers positioned as if you were going to ollie. Have your index finger at a slight angle, though. Just tap down on the fingerboard with your middle finger, but instead of tapping stright down, flip the board at an angle, so the fingerboard will spin underneath your fingers. From there just keep your fingers above the board and just land on it.

180 Ollie-To do a 180, have your fingers positioned like an ollie. Just ollie and while your in the air, rotate your wrist and fingers to get your fingers to do a 180. You can do this trick both ways,frontside and backside. Backsides are probly morte difficult though.* this is strange because you land with your fingers opposite of how they should be, to fix this, you can start off with your fingers backward,or,when the trick is completed,you may just do a boardslide 180*

Heelflip-The heelflip is just like a kickflip, except you flip the board with the flat part of your fingers. To set uo for it, place your index finger in ollie position with the tip of it hanging off the board a little. Once your set, lift and slide your index finger forward and flip off to one side with your flat part of your finger to make the board flip. Let it flip once and let your fingers land back on the board.

The Boardslide-To do a boardslide, approach your obstacle with a good amout of speed. Ollie up 90 degrees onto it. Try to land in the middle of the board. If you are doing a backside boardslide, you might have to lean your hand back a little to help the slide if the obstacle isn't slick enough. Do the same for a frontside except lean your hand forward. To come off, just turn your wrist 90 degrees and land rolling away fakie or regular.

The 50-50 grind-This is the most basic grind. Push toward the obstacle your doing it on and ollie up onto it by tilting your board off to the side. From here, just try to land on both trucks. You might have to lean your hand back a little while your grinding if it isnt grinding too well. At the end of the obstacle either ollie off or lift up your nose and roll off.

The Noseslide-To set up for a Noseslide, you might want to have your front finger, (for most people it is the pointer finger) up a little more if you were doing a regular ollie. This will help you land on your nose better. Push toward the obstacle and ollie 90 degrees onto the obstacle so your nose only lands on it. From there, just slide as best you can and come off at the end by turning 90 degrees to regular or fakie.